
The disappearance of Korean residents in Sydney who returned to the prosecution...'No one stopped him'.

Eddy Kim | 기사입력 2021/03/22 [09:38]
Aussie News
The disappearance of Korean residents in Sydney who returned to the prosecution...'No one stopped him'.
Eddy Kim
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2021/03/22 [09:38]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

<Australia Break News=Reporter Eddie Kim>


On the 20th, a Korean man in Sydney was killed by the same Korean man. © Australia Break News


The murder of a Korean in Sydney is shocking the Korean community.


A Korean citizen in Sydney, identified only by his surname Moon, who was reportedly missing in the Epping area of Sydney on the 8th, was found dead after 12 days.


The National Police Agency of New South Wales (NSW) officially announced on the 20th that Moon (49, female), a Korean-Austrlian who was missing, was found dead at Silverwater Park in Sydney.


"The details are under investigation, and we understand that the suspect is the same Korean in his mid-50s," a police official said in a telephone interview with reporters. "We will give an interim briefing on the case."


Attention is being paid to the police's investigation into Moon, who returned to the prosecutor's office 12 days after his disappearance. © Australia Break News


The last place where Moon's whereabouts were captured was around 1:30 p.m. on the 8th around Lawson Street near Epping's Korean Mart.

The missing family members of Ryde police officially launched an investigation, and within 12 days of the investigation, a 55-year-old suspect, was arrested by a criminal team at Eastwood Police Station and found Moon's body while searching Silverwater Park, where the body is believed to be abandoned.


Chung, who murdered Moon, is known to be close to the victim Moon, and is under investigation after being transferred to Ride Police Station shortly after his arrest, and has applied for bail to a local court in Parrematta, but has been rejected.


In this regard, the damage caused by white people's hate crimes against Asians in Australia, an immigrant country, has often occurred, but the murder case between Koreans is shocking, raising concerns among local Korean communities.


"It's been 30 years since I immigrated, and I think I need a self-help measure against violent crimes between Koreans," said a Sydney Korean, "If the Korean community worked well, I could find the missing person quickly." It`s a sad part.


A 20-year-old Korean immigrant, identified only by his surname Jeong, said, "It seems that something worrisome has happened. "There seems to be a need for a nationwide countermeasure against disputes and accidents between Koreans, not racism," he said. "There is a need for a thorough investigation by the judicial authorities."


On the other hand, the police consul, who was dispatched to the Sydney consulate, tried to talk on the phone several times to cover the position of the embassy in connection with the murder of Korean residents, but could not be reached.


In connection with the case, the legal community expects Chung to be sentenced to life in prison. 



ⓒ 호주브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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