
Japan, are you out of your mind? A lot of people without a mask during the holidays...Worries of 'explosive infection'

aubreaknews azumi in osaka | 기사입력 2020/03/20 [23:33]
World News
Japan, are you out of your mind? A lot of people without a mask during the holidays...Worries of 'explosive infection'
aubreaknews azumi in osaka
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2020/03/20 [23:33]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

<Breaknews Australia=Azumi Repoter in Osaka, Japan>


▲ Shibuya, Japan's leading busy street, is packed with people, with no time to step on its feet.  © aubreaknews


Despite the global Covid-19 spread, there are countries that are out of their minds. The main character is Japan.


In Japan, which has 1,700 confirmed Covid-19, the government is urging people to refrain from going out.


Japan was packed with crowds in the city on Tuesday (local time) for the holidays. In particular, Shibuya, Japan's leading busy street, is packed with people. Most of them are Pleasure Visitor who came out for the holidays.


The streets of youth, Harajuku, are the same as those of the people. Akihabara, a favorite among foreigners, was crowded with people who didn't even wear masks.


In response, the Japanese government has urged people to avoid crowded places, but the Japanese, who have been on a three-day holiday, are free to go out and look almost the same as usual.


▲ Japan was also busy around subway stations for the holidays. We could hardly see the mask wearers.  © aubreaknews


The recently opened subway station is also known to have attracted 54,000 people over the weekend. 


Meanwhile, some citizens say the Covid-19 response is excessive.


One citizen said, "I was frustrated to be at home all the I was worried about Covid-19, but I thought it would be okay, so I came out."


Noriko, a self-employed businessman, also appeared to have no awareness of the seriousness of the situation, saying, "I think I'm making too much noise about Covid-19.


Some point out that the Abe administration's complacency is the cause of this. They say that they are not properly delivering accurate information regarding transmission to host the Tokyo Olympics.


However, experts are worried about the explosive infection.


The number of confirmed cases is gradually increasing in the city, said an infection expert in Japan, who asked not to be named. I think it could lead to an explosive increase in the number of patients," he said, expressing concern.


The governments of Osaka and Hyogo Prefecture, where the mass infection occurred, also called on residents to refrain from moving between cities for three days, saying that the worst case scenario is that an additional 3,300 people are expected to be infected.





ⓒ 호주브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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