
[Park Cheolseong's eyes]

"Freeze or refrigerate?" Handmade burger commercial. Controversy. VS Food Sanitation Act. "All handmade burgers. Always use frozen products."

박철성 대기자 | 기사입력 2021/09/17 [16:04]
[Park Cheolseong's eyes]
"Freeze or refrigerate?" Handmade burger commercial. Controversy. VS Food Sanitation Act. "All handmade burgers. Always use frozen products."
박철성 대기자
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2021/09/17 [16:04]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

["Research Center Director/Columnist" by Park Cheolseong]


A post was posted on the Blue House national petition that it was not a handmade burger because it was frozen meat. However, under the Korean Food Sanitation Act, all franchise burger stores must use frozen products.


The controversy began with the claim that the S franchise of the U.S. homemade burger franchise Burger & enterprise suffered damage by promoting it as a refrigerator when the burger was frozen distributed beef, not a refrigerator. In response, Burger & Surprise (CEO Yoo Yong-ho) said, "This is not true at all and we will take strong legal action."


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Is the advertisement of franchise headquarters a fraud on the recent Blue House petition bulletin board? An article titled "Is it a commercial skill?" was posted. Hamburger patties' ingredients (meat) and hamburger bread were provided as frozen foods, so they were not handmade burgers, but damaged by them.


Recently, the Blue House National Petition bulletin board said, "Even though Burger & Price, a handmade burger franchise, was recruiting merchants and advertising it to consumers, they were offering hamburger patty ingredients (meat) and hamburger bread as frozen food, not frozen meat." 


The petition said, "A, who runs a burger & enterprise S franchise store in Gyeonggi-do in May this year, opened a burger & enterprise franchise in Gyeonggi-do and made and sold handmade burgers, and heard from a customer that all ingredients should be refrigerated, not frozen."


In response, he refuted the claim of franchise owner B, saying, "The petition is completely groundless."


"The store owner posted it like 'if you use frozen products, it is not handmade burgers', but the distribution standards are strictly set under the Korean Food Sanitation Act,"


▲     ©호주브레이크뉴스


Burger & Enterprise said. "All stores, not one-person stores, must use frozen products." (Burger & Enterprise website capture = Shinwon Media)

Burger & Surprise said, "After checking internally, S franchise owner A did not request the termination of the franchise as above," and explained, "He unilaterally requested the termination of the franchise because he did not like the work of the headquarters employee younger than him."


He also claimed, "When the headquarters opposed the termination of the franchise, the petition post was an excuse found to pressure it, and rather, A and his son B were aware of this through the information disclosure and pre-opening training of the headquarters' branch owner." 


In addition, he said, "Mr. A posted one frozen product as if it were not a handmade burger, but the distribution standards are strictly set under the Korean Food Sanitation Act," stressing, "All franchise handmade burgers, not one-person stores or private stores, must use frozen products."


In addition, an official from Burger & Enterprise said, "The meaning of handmade burgers in the industry is not how to store food ingredients, that is, to make patties by hand," adding, "Burger & Price is the only brand that makes patties directly at all stores among franchise burgers, and this is its biggest competitiveness."


In particular, the actual background of B's petition was that the younger designer of the headquarters was not obedient to him. "B began to get angry from time to time, and eventually asked the company to let the designer out of the company, leading to the point where the designer was stressed out and said she would quit," he explained the situation.


Burger & Surprise said, "After that, we replaced the person in charge with another designer. However, he got angry and asked the headquarters to terminate the contract unilaterally, saying, "B's petition posting that he couldn't sell handmade burgers by deceiving his conscience and exaggerating advertisements is not true at all, and even the owner of branch A is still operating.


In addition, regarding Burger & Price's request for a large penalty, he said, "I don't know how the billions of penalty Mr. A claims came out, and I haven't even claimed any penalty to Mr. A so far."


"When we opened the Cheongna headquarters in 2017, we used refrigerated meat and fried potatoes under the concept of 'handmade burgers without a freezer,' Burger & Surprise said. "Since the end of 2017, when franchises opened nationwide, we have been forced to use frozen products to improve profits and comply with the Food Sanitation Act."


Moreover, he said, "The article uploaded by A to the petition post was written in 2019 by a P2P lender called Wife Funding by stealing past data without permission," adding, "This is not related to Burger & Party at all, and the media that reported the first article has accepted it and is now revised normally."


As a result of actual reporters' confirmation, it was registered with the Fair Trade Commission and accurately marked as "Frozen Ujimyuk" in the information disclosure form publicly provided to franchisees


In addition, he said, "We will hold civil and criminal legal responsibility for the damage caused by the spread of false facts."


Meanwhile, Burger & Party A, who posted on the Blue House National Petition Bulletin Board, had a telephone interview with reporters on the 17th.


The owner of store A said, "I didn't know, so I only posted a post knowing that it was a hamburger made by trimming and cooking fresh ingredients by hand without using frozen food in the next electronic dictionary," adding, "Don't the government and related agencies need to set accurate standards for handmade burgers?"




ⓒ 호주브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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